O vereador Carlos Bolsonaro (Republicanos-RJ) publicou em uma das suas redes sociais, uma imagem com a confirmação de uma infecção bacteriana, que causou ferimentos na pele da perna esquerda do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

A doença que atingiu Bolsonaro foi a erisipela, que é causada por uma bactéria, que entra no organismo por meio de ferimentos na pele, como pequenos cortes, picadas de insetos e até micoses.

O mau tratamento pode levar para quadros mais graves, atingindo os vasos linfáticos e o tecido subcutâneo e o gorduroso.

A foto, segundo Carlos, não é deste domingo (4), mas já mostra uma evolução na recuperação da doença.

“A erisipela desenvolvida na perna do meu pai. Foto tirada de poucos dias atrás. Fui informado que nesta fase já estava em processo de recuperação e tudo corre muito bem!”, postou Carlos.

Autor: CNN Brasil


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    A positive space for intense human experiences. Coffee Meets Bagel hopes to offer people better-quality matches by sending curated daily matches, or “bagels,” each day at noon. They suggest ice-breakers for first messages and the profiles are more in-depth than Tinder. For people who like a little extra hand-holding, CMB isn’t the worst option. However, I found the app confusing to use, with too many features and a lot of gimmicks. I shouldn’t have to look up online tutorials to figure out how to use a dating app. Plus why call matches Bagels? It’s designed as an empowering and safe space for the LGBTQ+ community; the service often hosts real-life meet-ups for you to mingle and has small community groups that you can chat in. Whereas Tinder can feel throwaway and vapid, Her aims to offer a positive dating app experience.

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    The PokerStars client has a Home Games tab that allows you to create private tables and play with friends. The club’s name is taken from a private, invitation-only club. With play money, you can play both for free and for real money. In Home Games, only PokerStars members have access to the club. All types of poker will be available for home games in the summer of 2020. Each discipline can be assigned to a different table, which is controlled by the club manager. It must be appropriate, i.e., it must not contain anything racist, sexist, offensive to religion, or otherwise inappropriate. Hosting a new private game to play with friends can only be created on PC. However, once that is done, both PC users and mobile device users can join the game. First off, the host will need to select the “Play with Friends” option. In the PC version, the host needs to click on their avatar – while in the mobile version, the functionality is located under the menu. The next step is to choose whether a cash game or a tournament poker game will be played. Right before a game is created, the system allows the host to set up all game details.

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  20. More mundane cheating involves collusion between players, or the use of multiple accounts by a single player. Collusion is not limited to online play but can occur in any poker game with three or more players. Most poker rooms claim to actively scan for such activity. For example, in 2007, PokerStars disqualified TheV0id, the winner of the main event of the World Championship of Online Poker for breaching their terms of service. Similar to Ladbrokes, Party Poker does a lot well but falls just short of the top poker sites on our list. They’re a good option, with plenty of players but if you’re looking to move from recreational to professional, then sites like PokerStars will be a better option. You can play online poker anonymously in the UK through CoinPoker or GGpoker. Unlike most online poker sites, these two sites don’t perform KYC checks when opening an account or cashing out.
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  21. Las Vegas Sands earned an adjusted 19 cents per share in the quarter, compared with analysts’ expectations for 20 cents per share, according to Refinitiv data.  Marina Bay Sands The hotel is located on Bayfront Avenue directly across from Merlion Park and downtown Singapore. To get there from Marina Bay Sands, you can make the walk around the water or take the ferry boat across. Directly behind the hotel you’ll find Gardens by the Bay and Supertree Grove. Featuring famous celebrity chefs, fine dining options at the Marina Bay Sands include CUT by Wolfgang Puck and Bread Street Kitchen by Gordon Ramsay. Party the night away at the dance club, or unwind at any of the 3 lounges. Asian selections are also available. “In Singapore, we were pleased to see the ongoing recovery at Marina Bay Sands progress during the quarter, with the property again delivering outstanding levels of performance in both mass gaming and tenant sales,” he said.
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