Do dia para noite, a grana secou. A classe artística vive muito graças à publicidade e presenças em eventos. E aí? A Coluna Leo Dias foi atrás para saber como eles estão se virando.

A publicidade mudou para a web, então, a presença transmídia tornou-se uma realidade. Você precisa estar na internet para ter relevância. E a concorrência das web celebridades está incomodando muito. Sem querer generalizar, muitos sem história, nem talento. Enfim, é a vida.

Mas acredite: o TikTok surgiu como a salvação da lavoura. É de lá que tem vindo os melhores cachês, mas ainda assim, não é nada expressivo. O mundo mudou. Atores estão percebendo que ter relevância na internet é importantíssimo.

TikTok, para quem não sabe, é uma rede social majoritariamente infantil baseado em dublagens, coreografias e vídeos de pets. Nada relevante. Não acrescenta. Mas diverte. E virou febre. Ah, e monetiza o usuário.

Outra coisa… tudo caiu de preço. Primeiro: a pandemia em si. Segundo: a classe artística perdeu relevância. Quem não produz, perde valor. É simples. Marina Ruy Barbosa cobrou dia desses por um post do TikTok a bagatela de R$ 80 mil. Mas Marina é o auge, o topo e a mais desejada.

Marcas que agregam à carreira sempre pagam menos. Tem artista aceitando R$ 20 mil. É como se estivesse numa feira na “hora da xepa”. Carlinhos Maia cobra R$ 100 mil por quatro stories. A “desconhecida” Sthefane Matos, youtuber de 21 anos, cobra apenas um quarto disso (e dizem que ela é o novo fenômeno).


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    Last but not least on our list is the German poker sensation, Fedor Holz. He is among the top players in online poker who transitioned to live games and found even greater success. By the year 2020, Holz has accumulated almost $33 Million in winnings and made it to the top of the poker scene. He is an analytical player who knows well about the risks of the game. The quality of small-stakes games can vary widely from poker site to poker site. For example, on America’s Cardroom small stakes are very difficult to beat except for even the most dedicated players. The level of play that was once only common at 200NL or 400NL is now seen on numerous tables daily on ACR. Brand Monitoring Patrik Antonius, has proven himself as one of the best poker players around the world. Learn more about him at PokerTube.

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    As we already mentioned, there are a ton of other promotional offers – deposit match bonuses, free spins, cashbacks, it can all be found right on Planet7’s website. There are even offers that have either lower or no wagering requirements at all. There are also game-exclusive bonuses that give you the chance to try out different popular slots by RTG. Occasionally, there are also some tempting mobile-exclusive bonuses. If you are a fan of slots, you will definitely appreciate that the most options in the mobile casino are under the Slots category. Whether you prefer classic slots of you enjoy playing with multiple paylines, special symbols and bonus features, you will find the right slot for you at Planet 7. Some of the mobile-compatible slots that you can enjoy at this virtual casino include Bubble Bubble, Cai Hong, Eternal Love, Gods of Wealth, Lucha Libre and many more. Under this category, you will also notice that many slots offer jackpot payouts. If you are looking for bigger rewards, you can try slots such as Aladdin’s Wishes, Caesar’s Empire, Enchanted Garden, Hillbillies, Naughty or Nice?, Penguin Power and other fun slots.

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    © 2011-2023 is not part of, related to or have any commercial relationship with NetEnt AB18+. Be gamble aware. By continuing the usage of our website you’re accepting our privacy and cookies policy. Contact us With a vibrant Egyptian theme, Book of Ra online slot is designed with colorfully decorated graphics. Fire up the reels, and you’ll be welcomed with ancient Egyptian artwork, presented with deep colours, which help exemplify the overall theme. The game, whose main character reminds us a bit of Indiana Jones and the theme is the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, is quite simple to play and easy to understand. It is the perfect choice for people who have just begun to play slot machine games although it is well-loved by advanced players too. Yet, if you hit a Scarab, Pharaoh, The Explorer, or the Eye of Osiris, you stand to win some pretty decent awards altogether! The Scatter, which is the Book of Ra itself, will be worth 2,000 coins for 5x symbols on the reels! But where the true jackpot lies is in the Explorer who will offer you 5,000 coins so long as you line five of him on a payline.

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    Spin Casino, formerly known as Spin Palace, is an online casino owned by Baytree Interactive Ltd, a Maltese-registered company. It was established in 2001, has a license under the Malta Gaming Authority and has been certified by revered online watchdog, eCogra. Casinos are crafty, giving players just enough hope to keep them betting. Ultimately, the longer you bet, the bigger the house advantage becomes. Gambling problem? Please contact the U.S. National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700. The first feature is the Free Spins feature, in which you will win 10 Free Spins if you land at least 3 Scatter symbols. The free spins can retrigger. Before the free spins start, you get a random symbol that expands during the free spins. Casino knows the significance of rewarding its players, and it does so liberally with a variety of promos and bonuses. While specific offers may change over time, players can frequently find enticing free spin bonuses that give them extra spins on selected slot games. These free spins provide a wonderful opportunity for players to try out new games, test strategies, and even win big without risking their own money. Casino exhibits its dedication to the player’s pleasure and promotes a more fun gaming experience by providing such perks.

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    In conclusion, Casino Extra is a really good online casino both for new and experienced gamblers. It offers a lot of regular promotions, a really good loyalty program, has a lot of providers and live casino,… We could go on for hours! Play on this casino, you will not regret it. This doesn’t mean free spins don’t have a purpose. They let you test drive the casino. If you got them without a deposit, you didn’t need to wager any of your own money on the way. However, they don’t do much to boost your chances of winning. The exact same logic is applied to sports betting also. Sometimes casinos that have betting will let you taste what the site is all about by giving free sports bets. When entering the Duelz Casino site, I was immediately attracted to their welcome package. As well as a bonus worth up to £100, new players can claim up to 100 free spins! While they can only be used on the Book of Dead slot and they expire after 3 days, this is a significant number of free spins to take advantage of. I also found that Duelz delivers when it comes to its total number of games, payment methods, customer service and mobile access.


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