A prefeitura acaba de confirmar a 190ª morte pelo coronavírus em Sinop. Nas últimas 24 horas, houve o registro de um novo óbito no município e outros dois seguem sob investigação. 

De acordo com o boletim municipal, Sinop contabiliza 12.463 casos confirmados de covid-19, com 11.985 pacientes recuperados e 264 em isolamento. Há ainda outras 24 pessoas internadas. 

Em leitos de Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo (UTIs), há um paciente na rede particular e seis no hospital regional. Já nos leitos de enfermarias são nove pacientes no hospital regional e oito na rede privada. 

Entre os 135 casos considerados suspeitos e que aguardam diagnóstico definitivo, há seis internados. No hospital regional, dois estão em enfermarias e um em UTI. Na rede particular, mais três estão em enfermarias. 

A prefeitura informou também que 16 moradores de outras cidades estão internados em Sinop. Na rede pública, sete estão em UTIs e seis em enfermarias. Na rede particular, são dois em enfermarias e um em UTI. 

Autor: Só Notícias


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    I realized it was highly effective to write up a paper like this: writing for the whole day, every day until the first draft was finished. My writing project was firmly present in my mind — I didn’t lose time catching up with what I have written in the last session. Since I was not doing anything else, my wandering mind settled in very fast, and I was getting into a routine. The daily progress was clearly visible and motivated me to continue. And the result was a coherent paper that was easy to revise. The base of every essay is its topic. What you are writing about should always be a reflection of your topic. Simply start off your introduction by telling your readers, in a simple and accessible language, what it is you are writing your research paper about. Although, we suggest you include a “trigger” when introducing the topic of your paper. A personal reference, or a story that relates to the essay topic, are options for a good way to link plain text to people’s emotions. So, feel free to write sincerely, as if you were talking to a friend.

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    I was that “that” teenager who told his parents at the end of high school that he needed to “find himself” and who received a collective eye roll from every adult in a 5 mile radius. I did not know who I was or what I wanted, but I knew I was not ready to go to college. I also knew that I did not want to be one of those “spoiled rich kids” that sat home playing video games and partying on the weekends. Instead, I took the $2000 I had saved up from my afterschool job; bought a backpack, tent, and sleeping bag; and had an adventure that has forever changed my life and prepared me to go to college. Sample Admissions Essays A college application essay is basically a glimpse into how your mind works and how you view the world. If you want your essay to be credible, you need to make sure everything you write supports that viewpoint. Spend some time figuring out how the essay question relates to your personal qualities and then write from a specific angle.

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  19. Partida marca a estreia das equipes na atual temporada da Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior APPADS Após o empate, o jogo foi sendo cadenciado pelos dois times, já que nenhum queria sair do Allianz Parque com a derrota. A chance mais clara deste meio tempo foi acontecer aos 39’, quando Pedro ajeitou de peito para Arrascaeta na entrada da área. O camisa 14 chutou de primeira e a bola passou muito perto do gol. Dono da segunda melhor campanha da primeira fase do Brasileirão sub-20, o Athletico Paranaense foi o primeiro colocado do grupo B, com seis vitórias, um empate e duas derrotas. Nas quartas de final, o time paranaense enfrentou o São Paulo e venceu num agregado de 5 a 4. O Athletico perdeu o primeiro jogo por 3 a 1 e conseguiu reverter a desvantagem dentro de casa, ganhando por 4 a 1.
    Reprodução/Instagram A partir daí, o Flamengo tomou o controle do jogo ao pressionar o Grêmio com Bruno Henrique, Everton Ribeiro e Arrascaeta, com chute por cima do travessão aos 34. Entretanto, aos 44, Isla recebeu o cartão vermelho por falta em Alisson, deixando o elenco carioca frágil até o final da etapa. Tradicional partida beneficente de fim de ano, o Jogo das Estrelas teve vitória da equipe de Zico. O ex-jogador do Flamengo, que havia perdido pênalti, no primeiro tempo, marcou gol nos minutos finais e ajudou a equipe vermelha a vencer por 8 a 6. Endrick balançou as redes três vezes para o time branco. O Rubro-Negro do Rio de Janeiro terminou o primeiro tempo com mais posse de bola e finalizações. A primeira oportunidade do Leão veio aos 47 minutos, quando Pedro tocou contra o próprio gol em cobrança de falta lateral e obrigou o goleiro Diego Alves a colocar para escanteio. Porém, o placar se manteve até o intervalo.

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    Any of the styling products above make for a great alternative to gel. Hair with length needs volume and movement, and the worst thing you can do is style long hair with a heavy gel. Unless you want a hairstyle that looks flat, feels stiff and flakes, apply a clay, wax, or cream instead. There aren’t any hair gels for long hair worth noting, especially since most of them use alcohols and harsh chemicals that strip moisture from your hair and scalp. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. “All Briogeo conditioners are magic,” says Damtew. We’ve written about Briogeo’s offerings in the past (its co-wash is a favorite of former Strategist intern Aisha Rickford, and Rio Viera-Newton is a big fan of its deep conditioning mask), but Damtew recommends this conditioner from the Be Gentle, Be Kind line. It’s formulated for people who are sensitive to fragrance, essential oils, lactose, soy, or gluten. It also contains soothing ingredients like aloe vera and oat milk to gently hydrate hair.

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