A Secretaria de Saúde e Saneamento comunica que a partir de segunda-feira (10) todos os usuários que são atendidos na Unidade de Saúde da Família Central, que é composta da USF- Centro Norte e Área Descoberta, serão referenciados para o atendimento em duas unidades. A mudança se faz necessária, pois o local passa por ampliação e reforma.
Com a mudança os usuários que são atendidos na USF- Centro Norte, passarão ser atendidos na USF- Bom Jesus. O horário para os atendimentos será das 7h às 19h, de segunda-feira a sexta-feira.
Já os usuários da região compreendida como Área Descoberta, serão atendidos na nova unidade, a USF-Centro Sul, com atendimento das 7h às 11h e das 13h às 17h, de segunda-feira a sexta-feira.
Decidimos fazer essa alteração, pois o local passa por ampliação e reforma, e no início acreditávamos que daria para mantermos o atendimento lá mesmo com a reforma, mas percebemos que está muito ruim, tanto para os profissionais, que enfrentam a poeira e o barulho causados pela reforma, quando para os pacientes, que precisam de atendimento. Então estudamos uma forma de amenizar esse transtorno e vamos fazer essa mudança temporária para a conclusão da obra”, explicou o secretário de Saúde e Saneamento, Luiz Fábio Marchioro.
Ainda segundo o secretário, com essa mudança agiliza a conclusão da obra. “Entendemos que com a retirada dos atendimentos do local, o pessoal da obra consegue atuar com mais frentes de trabalho, concluindo assim a ampliação e reforma e menor tempo. A previsão é que em 60 dias esteja tudo pronto e tudo volta a normalidade, com um ambiente moderno e aconchegante, como nossa população merece”, ressaltou.
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The circulating supply of a cryptocurrency is the amount of units that is currently available for use. Let’s use Bitcoin as an example. There is a rule in the Bitcoin code which says that only 21 million Bitcoins can ever be created. The circulating supply of Bitcoin started off at 0 but immediately started growing as new blocks were mined and new BTC coins were being created to reward the miners. Currently, there are around 18.52 million Bitcoins in existence, and this number will keep growing until the 21 millionth BTC is mined. Since 19.32 million BTC have been mined so far, we say that this is the circulating supply of Bitcoin. Crypto ecosystem news & recent findings around blockchain adoption, upcoming crypto ecosystems, and more. I feel that this comment is:
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The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS. We’re here to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you know and understand your rights. Our advocates can help if you have tax problems that you can’t resolve on your own. The Florida Department of Revenue is responsible for handling tax collection throughout the state. You might be flagged for an audit by the state for the same reasons that might trigger an IRS audit. Additionally, the state may decide to audit your state tax paperwork after finding out you were audited by the IRS. I like working with Zetley Law Offices because they’re the ‘Go To’ tax firm. They’re great people, very professional, and highly knowledgeable in the area of taxation. Their ability to… read more
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Delivery Methods Solo miners are individual miners who attempt to solve a block independently. If they are successful, they will receive the full block reward. But, Solo mining generally makes profits when they have a lot of hash power. They will also need a very strong mining rig processing power to succeed. SologenicSOLO The global crypto market cap is $1.13 trillion with a 24-hour volume of $35.93 billion. The price of Bitcoin is $28,517.93 and BTC market dominance is 49.0%. The price of Ethereum is $1,789.64 and ETH market dominance is 19.0%. The best performing cryptoasset sector is Fan, which gained 9%. That said, we recommend checking your mining profitability frequently. Bitcoin was traveling aimlessly as Wall Street went back to focusing on both inflation which includes the Fed’s rating hiking cycle and with the tightening of credit conditions which should get worse now that the US has to fill its coffers. The impact from $1 trillion in issuance, aka T-bill deluge, before the end of the year could eventually disrupt the banking sector and be positive for Bitcoin. Bitcoin seems content staying in a narrow trading range and that could continue if risk appetite remains healthy once the Fed pauses.
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