Um assalto foi registrado na Lojas Americanas, localizada na rua Bené, no centro da cidade de Sorriso, na tarde dessa segunda-feira (12).

De acordo com informações, dois homens chegaram em uma motocicleta Biz de cor vermelha, renderam os funcionários, e subtraíram 8 aparelhos celulares, a dupla criminosa estria colocando a mão na cintura simulando que estariam armados, após o roubo, os indivíduos fugiram sentido ignorado.

Guarnições da PM foram informadas sobre o fato, policiais colheram detalhes, e encontraram a dupla andando pela rua Joinville, bairro Jardim Primavera. Depois de uma longa perseguição, os envolvidos sofreram um grave acidente, sendo os dois encaminhados para o Hospital Regional de Sorriso com ferimentos graves.

Um dos envolvidos está em estado grave, o estado de saúde do segundo suspeito ainda não foi informado, os aparelhos celulares foram encaminhados para a Polícia Judiciária Civil que investiga o caso, uma arma branca também foi localizada com os indivíduos.

Autor: JK Notícias


  1. Can you imagine investing in Bitcoin at the mere age of 11? You heard it right! Erick Fineman asked his grandmother for $1000 as a loan, and with some help from his brother, financed in 2011 when Bitcoin value was only $12. By the time 2013 came to an end, the Bitcoin value increased to $1200, and he became significantly rich. While we have looked at who the richest people in crypto are in terms of crypto entrepreneurs, there are also many crypto traders who have become very successful buying and selling crypto. While it is difficult to gauge who the richest crypto traders are, because it is not in their interests to disclose their holdings, it is common knowledge that crypto whales can have a significant impact on whether a coin goes up or down in price.  Fred Ernest Ehrsam is an American businessman and investor. He is a co-founder and managing partner of Paradigm Capital, a cryptocurrency investing firm. Additionally, he co-founded Coinbase, a Bitcoin exchange.
    Though WordPress’s move was a big one for the four year-old cryptocurrency, the company wasn’t handling Bitcoin transactions itself. Rather, it used BitPay, which was founded in 2011 and by October 2012 had grown to processing Bitcoin payments for more than 1,000 merchants. For example, if you invested in bitcoin when it was first launched in 2009, your returns could be in the millions or billions, because the initial value of the asset was $0. This means bitcoin never experiences inflation. Unlike US dollars, whose buying power the Fed can dilute by printing more greenbacks, there simply won’t be more bitcoin available in the future. That has worried some skeptics, as it means a hack could be catastrophic in wiping out people’s bitcoin wallets, with less hope for reimbursement. Which could render bitcoin price irrelevant.

  2. A GameHouse Premiere exclusive! Take a deep dive into the wonderful underwater world of Atlantis. Match associated items Is good at matching visual items Is This Game Appropriate? Yes Description Children who excel at matching visual parts to wholes will do well with this game. An example of part to whole matching is seeing part of an animal (ex: tail of a horse) and knowing the whole animal. This type of matching is key to success in this game. If you haven’t tried a game on this list, give it a go. And if you’ve played a fun match 3 game that isn’t on the list, let me know in the comments. I only really got back into match 3 games after getting addicted to Silver Tale a couple of years ago, so I haven’t played most of the games released over the past few years. But I will…
    It launched in December 2011 (and keep an eye out, because it’s getting a makeover in the near future). In the archive, you can read about each Doodle and learn about the topic at hand, and often read about the artist as well — there’s also a section for interactive Doodles you can revisit. You can even check out the history of Doodles for any specific day. (And since we’re talking about learning more about Doodles: Did you know you can click each Doodle for more information about its theme? Just a little pro tip.) Usually these games are meant to last anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes, though some last even an hour or more. (One or two may even make you refuse to give up until you beat them properly….) In no particular order, here are some of the best Google Doodle games you can still play.

  3. aelf Ventures is adopting a vertical and stage-agnostic approach to pledge comprehensive support to innovative Web3 projects. This bold step resonates with aelf’s mission to create a highly efficient and interoperable future, marked by strategic investments in pioneering teams propelling the transition from Web2 to Web3. The initiative also nurtures innovative blockchain projects within the aelf and multichain ecosystems. Die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA) ist ein zusätzlicher Schutz für Ihre Wallet. Der erste ‘Faktor’ ist das Passwort für Ihre Wallet. Der zweite ‘Faktor’ ist ein Verifikationscode, der über eine Textnachricht, oder über eine App auf einem mobilen Gerät empfangen wird. 2FA ähnelt konzeptionell den TAN-Generatoren, die Banken in einigen Ländern für das Online-Banking verwenden. Sie müssen dabei aber einer dritten Partei vertrauen, die den Dienst zur Verfügung stellt.
    Bergbau-Algorithmus: Bitcoin verwendet den SHA-256-Mining-Algorithmus, während Bitcoin Cash den SHA-256D-Algorithmus verwendet, der eine zusätzliche Hash-Funktion enthält. Dies bedeutet, dass BCH nicht mit Bitcoin-Mining-Hardware geschürft werden kann und spezielle Ausrüstung erfordert. Die aktuelle Bitcoin Kurs Prognose ist grundlegend langfristig positiv, allerdings sollte man aktuelle Bitcoin News, Experten Meinungen, Twitter Beiträge, gesetzliche Vorgaben und Einschränkungen sowie die aktuelle Kursentwicklung wöchentlich und monatlich genau verfolgen. Er kennt sie mittlerweile zu genüge, die Spanne zwischen 20.000 und 30.000 Dollar: Seit Monaten spielt Bitcoin das immer gleiche Liedchen auf der Chart-Klaviatur, variiert lediglich hin und wieder Tempo und Dynamik. Mal pumpt der Coin binnen Stunden um 1.000 Dollar und mehr, mal geht’s innerhalb kürzester Zeit wieder runter Richtung 20.000 Dollar. Der Widerstand bei 30.000 Dollar: Bislang unüberwindbar, nur flüchtig konnte sich die Krypto-Leitwährung 2023 darüber hinausbewegen.


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