Foto: Ilustração

Tem pouco mais de uma década que os celulares ficaram smart e passaram a incorporar mil e uma utilidades. Desde então, a dependência da humanidade nessas telinhas luminosas só aumentou, a ponto de serem chamadas de “os novos cigarros”. Exageros à parte, médicos e psicólogos têm observado os efeitos colaterais dessa era hiperconectada na forma de ansiedade, depressão, estresse e distúrbios do sono. O desafio dos especialistas, agora, é auxiliar usuários a tirar proveito dessa tecnologia sem prejuízos para a saúde.

Segundo uma pesquisa recente da consultoria britânica Tecmark, uma pessoa consulta o celular, em média, 221 vezes por dia. Nos consultórios, o uso exagerado já é uma realidade detectável, por uma infinidade de motivos. “Algumas vezes a pessoa já tem uma tendência a comportamentos compulsivos. Em outras situações, o aparelho é buscado para distração contra lidar com situações da vida cotidiana, das mais simples às mais complexas, e pode se tornar um vício”, exemplifica a psicóloga Mariana Monici, da rede do plano de saúde premium Amil One. 

Conferir as notificações repetidas vezes, voltar ao post toda hora para ver se surgiu um novo like, tudo isso pode ser explicado pela própria dinâmica dos apps e, principalmente, das redes sociais, que elevaram o patamar de dependência. Boa parte deles foi desenvolvida com técnicas similares às dos cassinos, que estimulam circuitos cerebrais. É o que os especialistas chamam de loop de dopamina, um ciclo vicioso de liberação do neurotransmissor associado ao prazer, a cada interação digital. Como nos outros vícios, a privação da substância faz o corpo voltar à fonte, com sede por mais.

O comportamento de voltar ao posts toda hora para ver se surgiu um novo like pode evoluir para uma dependência Foto: Getty Images

Esse mecanismo tem relação com algo que a ciência costuma chamar de sistema de recompensa. É a mesma dinâmica que rege nossa compulsão por doces, sexo ou drogas, por exemplo. No caso das redes sociais, o estímulo vem na forma de validação social. É aquele like que imediatamente inunda o sujeito de uma sensação de bem-estar. O cérebro lembra desse caminho de impulsos elétricos que gerou tanto prazer e sabe onde buscar.

“A dopamina está relacionada a vários tipos de dependência, mas a maioria dos usuários de smartphone não chega a ficar viciado”, tranquiliza a neurologista Rosa Hasan, também da rede Amil One. A ansiedade é o reflexo mais comum do comportamento dos “heavy users”. Mas não o único. “Na minha prática clínica, também percebo sintomas que se aproximam dos depressivos: problemas de autoestima, desânimo, frustração, pouca vontade de se relacionar pessoalmente, autocrítica exagerada”, descreve Mariana.

Quando usamos o celular antes de dormir, o cérebro pensa que está longe da hora de descansar Foto: Getty Images

Para Rosa, as consequências mais comuns são os distúrbios de sono. Isso porque as telas dos telefones emitem luz do espectro azul, que imita a luminosidade do início do dia. Ao usar o celular antes de dormir, o cérebro pensa que está longe da hora de descansar. “Esse hábito desregula a emissão da melatonina, que é o hormônio que induz o sono”, explica. Menos horas dormidas aumentam a chance de uma série de problemas, como depressão, ganho de peso, hipertensão e diabetes.

Quem desconfia de excesso deve ficar de olho em como a vida digital tem influído em outros aspectos cotidianos, como o desempenho no trabalho, o humor, a vida social (fora dos aplicativos), o sono e a rotina de exercícios. Se o caso for de compulsão, um detox gradual dos gadgets pode ajudar. “É possível limitar o uso em determinadas situações e desinstalar aplicativos, ainda que temporariamente. Assim, aos poucos, a pessoa vai diminuir a importância que dá ao aparelho”, ensina a psicóloga.

7 passos para um detox digital

1. Determine uma hora limite para manter o celular ligado à noite

Por exemplo: desligue o telefone sempre entre as 23h e a hora de acordar. Assim, você estabelece uma rotina para garantir algumas horas offline todos os dias.

2. Ignore o smartphone quando estiver com outras pessoas

Essa é uma verdadeira declaração de amor hoje: deixar o aparelho longe do alcance dos olhos, para prestar mais atenção na conversa do que na tela.

3. Evite comer em frente ao computador ou levar o smartphone para a mesa de jantar

Nutricionistas alertam que você come mais e pior quando não se concentra no alimento. Use esse tempo para conversar ou refletir.

4. Bloqueie as notificações

Vale para aplicativos que não são fundamentais na sua rotina, como algumas redes sociais. Assim, você evita aquela distração com o celular piscando ou a tela inundada de alertas.

5. Estabeleça horários e um limite de tempo para navegar

Vale para redes sociais e sites de notícias. Por exemplo: 30 minutos durante a manhã, mais 30 minutos depois do almoço e mais 30 minutos à noite.

6. Ignore as notificações na tela do smartphone, mesmo que se acumulem

Não é porque você recebeu um e-mail ou alguém comentou em uma foto sua no Facebook que precisa responder imediatamente. Relaxe.

7. Mantenha o telefone no silencioso durante o trabalho

Assim, você não se distrai com os sons das notificações nem atrapalha a atenção dos colegas ao redor.

Fonte: O Globo com Informações de Super Interessante


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  22. Second, I believe that mathematics should be restored to its long-held and rightful place at the forefront of developing critical thinking. More than any other scientific field, mathematics plays a key role in teaching students to analyse information, cut through complexity and build disciplined reasoning skills. Society is increasingly dependent on science and technology. It is essential for the well-being of our society that all citizens develop an appreciation of science, the benefits of technology, and the potential risks associated with advances in both. Citizens must gain “science literacy.” Scientific literacy is having an understanding of what science is and how to use scientific information in daily decision making. (The combination of words might make us think of integrating literacy teaching and learning with science explorations—also important but not the focus of this column.) Educators support children’s developing scientific literacy so that we all have some knowledge about natural phenomena, can make informed decisions and evaluate claims, and can figure out how to answer our questions.
    Receive news and updates from SAfG. It seems like every school year there is a new buzzword, everything from rigor to flipped classroom to grit. Time will tell which of these concepts have staying power. However, one that has stood the test of time is the acronym STEM. Once you’ve completed the STEM warm-ups, make sure you have STEM challenges ready to go. My favorite STEM challenges for upper elementary all use simple materials but are always a hit. 2. Cloud in a Jar. Not quite outdoors but this activity is nature-themed and makes an excellent practice of the scientific method. In this activity, water vapor condenses into water droplets that attach to particles in the air within a Mason jar, creating a visible cloud. For younger grades, this can be paired with reading about weather and then observing, describing, and drawing clouds of different types outside. Older children can perform the experiment themselves, and try two alternate variations, as part of a unit on the water cycle and observing and recording weather patterns over time.

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    The slot machines will come in two flavors: Conquests and Treasures, and Enchanted Riches. They will be placed in pods of two, three, and four, and will feature glowing runes, faux stone design elements, hand painted 3D dragon toppers, and a variety of sign packages including one with a rotating red dragon. Kagamasa Kouzuki founded Konami in 1969. The firm was initially a repair business and jukebox rental in Osaka, Japan. Its name is derived from the names of its founders – Kagamasa Kouzuki (CEO and Chairman), Yoshinobu Nakama (partner), and the other partner, Tatuso Miyasako. The meaning of ‘Konami’ is ‘little waves,’ and the company began designing arcade games as early as 1973. Super Cobra and Scramble were released in 1981 and both games achieved greater success in Japan in comparison to that enjoyed in the US. Computer software was already being marketed by Konami by 1982, before the partners decided to enter into the home game consoles sector.

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    ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。このブログをご覧頂いているという事はあなたも借金に悩まれているんだと思います。 弁護士が、破産の申立てを行ったうえで、債権者集会に同席しました。 海外のカジノの運営会社は日本の捜査が及ばないという実情があるということで、そもそも海外においてはこのオンラインカジノというのは違法ではないと。 また、オンラインカジノで破産するのを防ぎたいなら「オンラインカジノをやらない」ことが最も大切なことなので登録する際はリスクをよく考えた方が良いでしょう。 債務整理で財産の処分が行われるのは、自己破産で管財事件となった場合のみ。任意整理、個人再生、自己破産の同時廃止では、財産の処分は行われない。自己破産で管財事件となった場合も、生活に必要な財産などは残… 1 自己破産と携帯(スマホ)代金の分割払い もしオンラインカジノ以外の理由で借金ができた場合も、オンラインカジノで稼いで返済しようとは絶対に考えないようにしましょう。 ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。このブログをご覧頂いているという事はあなたも借金に悩まれているんだと思います。 引用:オンラインカジノでつくった借金が、自己破産で免責された事例

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    You can legally play online poker in the U.S., but you have to be in certain states. New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Delaware all have state laws that make it legal to operate an online poker system. U.S. poker sites like WSOP and PokerStars let players in those states play legally. When people talk about “real money poker apps” or real money poker you can play on your iPhone, iPad or Android phone, they mean real money poker games provided by one of these online poker sites via a downloadable poker app. We’ve all played low stakes online poker; even the best players had to start somewhere. It all starts with grinding it out in the micro stakes cash games or low level tournaments, building a bankroll and moving up to higher limits when you get the chance.

  31. The Advanced Trading features on Coinbase may involve more of a learning curve, so if you’re not ready to wade into that, the basic Coinbase platform remains extremely easy to use, as long as you’re OK paying those fees. With Robinhood, you’ll never really come across anything that resembles an advanced crypto trading platform. Fifty bitcoin continued to enter circulation every block (created once every 10 minutes) until the first halving event took place in November 2012 (see below). Halvings refer to bitcoin’s issuance system, which was programmed into Bitcoin’s code by Satoshi Nakamoto. It essentially involves automatically halving the number of new BTC entering circulation every 210,000 blocks. In an echo of the 2011 Libor scandal, Coinbase’s past manipulation of the bitcoin price impacted a key market benchmark.
    PrimeXBT Trading Services LLC is incorporated in St. Vincent and the Grenadines as an operating subsidiary within the PrimeXBT group of companies. PrimeXBT Trading Services LLC is not required to hold any financial services license or authorization in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to offer its products and services. Open: 29,380.5900 The rate of Ripple in US Dollar (USD) is $0.50 on May 30, 2023 at 09:30 AM Pakistan Standard Time (PST), in the open exchange market. The rate of Ripple has been calculated and compared with the rate of $0.48 at closing on May 29, 2023. According to Kaiko, a digital assets market provider, Bitcoin, the most valuable cryptocurrency, appears to be moving synchronously with the USD as the market adopts a wait-and-see approach amid fear of further turbulence in the United States financial markets.

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    Zone Poker tables are also available, although games are limited to small stakes. But Zone Poker is seen as one of Ignition’s biggest selling points (the casino site certainly does all it can to convince you to give it a go), and it’s essentially a rapid-fire version of online poker that’s great for recreational bettors. Zone Poker tables are also available, although games are limited to small stakes. But Zone Poker is seen as one of Ignition’s biggest selling points (the casino site certainly does all it can to convince you to give it a go), and it’s essentially a rapid-fire version of online poker that’s great for recreational bettors. You can find plenty of legitimate, trusted casino sites operating in the United States. You just have to stick to legal, regulated online casino sites such as Caesars Casino, FanDuel, Unibet, DraftKings Casino, bet365, BetRivers, Golden Nugget Casino and the BetMGM Casino bonus code can be claimed as well. They offer great casino game ranges and they will pay out quickly and without any issues if you win.

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  34. We will update this as soon as possible. If you like to help, you can contact us. Beaxy provides advanced charting tools, a revolutionary swipe trading app, world-class FIX and REST API, and FIAT onboarding and offboarding to make for the best possible Bitcoin trading experience. Trade bitcoin in the most sophisticated and simple ways on Beaxy. Simply enter the amount of Bitcoin you wish to convert to USD and the conversion amount automatically populates. You can also use our Prices Calculator Table to calculate how much your currency is worth in other denominations, i.e. .1 BTC, .5 BTC, 1 BTC, 5 BTC, or even 10 BTC. Thanks to a finite supply and a relatively small market cap, the price of Bitcoin is also much more sensitive to changes in demand, resulting in increased price volatility. The price of Bitcoin (BTC) today is $22,205.04 USD, which has decreased by -1.24% over the last 24 hours. The 24 Hour Trading Volume of Bitcoin is $22.00
    Next best place to buy crypto in Hawaii is Crypto. Crypto is gunning for Coinbase and Binance for the top spot among cryptocurrency exchanges. There have been some unique complications for Bitcoin in Hawaii. In particular, Coinbase announced that it was suspending its business in Hawaii, due to the state imposing certain reserve requirements on cryptocurrency exchange. is one of the exchanges that was accepted into Hawaii’s latest cryptocurrency program, allowing residents of Hawaii to buy and sell Bitcoin and a variety of other crypto using payment methods such as Visa, Mastercard, Bank Transfer and Cryptocurrency.  quora Uphold is an online exchange where users can trade crypto, stocks, metals and currencies; although available in the US, it does not currently support Hawaii and the US Minor Outlying Islands. While some users may suggest using a VPN to bypass this issue, it is generally recommended to not misrepresent personal information to online exchanges, especially to one that has KYC requirements.

  35. To play 50 Lions pokies, you must first have to set a suitable wager for each payline. Generally speaking, the coin denomination you can pick for your bet can range between 0.01 coins to 4 coins. The line bet could be re-sinned thanks to the game’s Autospin feature. If the number of bets is pecified and lines you’d like to play, click on the “–” or “+” buttons right on top of the ‘Play’ button to set the number of times you’d like the reels to re-spin. This value ranges between 1 and 25. The Lion slot machine offers players a chance to win in any of its 50 play lines. It operates on five reels and four rows. As far as the jackpot is concerned, the maximum payout is set at 1,000 coins; this perhaps isn’t the most generous among pokie games around the world, but when you factor in the abundant bonuses and free spin rounds it is clear that there is plenty of accumulative profit – rather than a single big win – to enjoy. And, of course, you can select how many of the 50 paylines you play with, which allows you to manage your budget more effectively.
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  36. Takahashi, D. (2012b, September 11). Report confirms that social casino games have hit the jackpot with $1.6B in revenue. Venture Beat. Retrieved from venturebeat 2012 09 11 report-confirms-that-social-casino-games-have-hit-the-jackpot-with-1-6b-in-revenue . Nick Garcia is a senior reporter for PlayUSA. Garcia provides analysis and in-depth coverage of the gambling industry with a key focus on online casinos, sports betting and financial markets. Garcia has been covering the US gambling market since 2017. He attended Texas Tech University as an undergrad and received a Master of Arts in Journalism from Columbia College Chicago. It is perfectly legal to play at online casinos in Canada. However, Ontario is the only province with a locally regulated market, so most players need to use CA casino sites based overseas. It is important to select legit online casino Canada sites that are licensed by respected regulators such as the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission, and we have rounded up the best casino online Canada sites in our dedicated casino news Canada guide.
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  40. There are more than two-dozen land-based casinos in operation that range in size from slots parlors and local poker rooms to full Las Vegas-style gaming resorts with slots, blackjack and other table games. The 2021 law not only legalizes in-person and mobile sports betting, but also legalizes daily fantasy games and paves the way for an eventual expansion of table games offered in Arizona’s licensed casinos. Potential Arizona casinos, however, are not part of the current expansion. This could change, but for the time being, only sports bettors will be able to place in-person and online bets. If you want to play your favourite fruit machine game online and win money from the comfort of your home, these are some of the best real money online slots you can play and where you can find them.
    Casino Tropez has been providing casino players in South Africa with exciting games since 2001. The casino is licensed in Antigua and Barbuda and is well trusted to deliver the best possible online gambling experience. Casino Tropez makes gambling casino games incredibly fun and simple. There are over one thousand games to choose from, including slots, table games, and live dealer games. There are over 7 progressive jackpots of various denominations ranging from 5c to R10. We also have 58 Slot machines in the Salon Privé. Almost all online casinos you see today are professional and strive to provide players visiting them with the best possible online gaming experience. However, there are a few bad eggs here and there, and this is true of some of the fastest withdrawal casinos that accept South African Rands as well. These are casinos that you, therefore, would do well to stay away from when you are looking for a good casino to play at.

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    Casino Gods is the final addition to the list of the best Indian local betting sites. Their wide selection of casino games and lucrative welcome bonuses attracts many Indian players. It is no surprise that the majority of players use the site to play live games and local classics like Teen Patti. Casino Gods does not offer dedicated apps. However, the site is mobile optimized without compromising on navigation and the gaming experience. Hawala might slowly be fading away in favor of the Rupee, however there are still many Indians who enjoy transacting without money as it allows for more freedom. Hawala betting is still a thing in India, as many betting agents will allow hawala and ask for actual money only after they collect a large debt. It may sound tempting, as you practically bet without having to pay instantly. Nevertheless, Hawala betting is highly punishable by law and you might be forced to pay an extremely high fine and end up in jail. This is why we always advise bettors in India to use real money when wagering as this is the safest way of betting online.

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  45. ¿Sabías que el volumen de mercado de tecnologías blockchain en 2022 fue de 7.400 millones de dólares aproximadamente? ¿O que ciudades como San Juan de Puerto Rico, San Martín de El Salvador y Bogotá de Colombia se encuentran en el ranking de ciudades con más cajeros bitcoin en América Latina y el Caribe, de acuerdo a Statista?  En la pasada edición de Cinema Jove se estrenó el documental, con una parte de ficción, Bull Run, que analiza en clave de humor el fenómeno de las criptomonedas desde una óptica muy especial. Ana Ramón Rubio es su directora y también su protagonista. “Bull Run es un documental sobre una directora de cine que se engancha a lo más opuesto que puede haber al arte, es decir, a la especulación, con criptomonedas en este caso, y que para poder seguir haciendo trading sin que nadie le juzgue, decide hacer un documental”, explica su directora.
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