Com início nesta terça-feira (12) e seguindo até o domingo (17), o Lions Clube de Sorriso realizará a sua 10ª Exposição de Flores e Plantas.

Será no GESP (Atrás do Hospital Regional de Sorriso), com início amanhã e seguindo até o sábado das 8h às 21h, encerrando no domingo às 17h.

São mais de 150 espécies de flores e plantas diversas e contará com espaço de alimentação.

O lucro será revertido para as atividades sociais que o Lions desenvolve no município, inclusive para a compra de óculos e de consultas oftalmológicas.


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  2. Thurs: 9am – 10pm Regulations for private retail sales are currently being drafted by Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General; these regulations are anticipated to be in place for April 1, 2019. Retail stores will be authorized and licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). This website provides access to cannabis products and information. According to provincial law, you must be 19 years of age or older to view or purchase items on this website. Although marijuana is now legal in Ontario from places like the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) and Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), many people still prefer to keep their purchases private and buying weed online is one of the best ways to stay discreet when shopping for cannabis products. Let’s take a look at the best alternative to the LCBO.
    The BC Compassion Club Society can now claim “12 years of civil disobedience and 12 years of non-profit medical cannabis distribution in Canada. . . . The BCCCS will continue to work towards ensuring that those who use cannabis as a medicine never have to choose between their liberty and their health . . .”1 Browse COVID-19 resources from partners and CCSA experts – trusted sources for your information and research needs. “Everyone from people battling cancer, opiate withdrawal, multiple sclerosis, mental health disorders — even experiencing side-effects caused by their prescribed medications.” Other sites are welcome to link to this page, but not to reproduce or repurpose our copyrighted content. Please see our reprinting policy for details on how to request permission to reprint content.

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