A Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura (Semec) realizará as rematrículas das escolas municipais e dos Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil (Cemeis) de Sorriso entre os dias 1º e 06 de dezembro.
De acordo com a secretária de Educação e Cultura, Lúcia Drechsler, os pais devem ficar atentos aos recados enviados pelas unidades escolares com as datas e orientações para a rematrícula, remanejamento e matrículas novas.
Para confirmarem a rematrícula dos filhos, os pais devem levar o comprovante de vacinação atualizado dos estudantes, disponível nas unidades básicas de saúde, e atualizarem o endereço e o número de telefone.
O remanejamento entre unidades escolares deve ser feito nos dias 8 e 9 de dezembro.
Já as matrículas novas serão realizadas nos dias 12 e 13 de dezembro. Para realizar a matrícula os pais ou responsáveis devem levar os seguintes documentos: cópia da certidão de nascimento; do cartão do SUS; comprovante de residência; documentos pessoais dos pais (RG e CPF); do comprovante de vacinação; e declaração de transferência ou histórico escolar.
Os pais que precisam de vagas para o berçário I até maternal II devem procurar a Semec para a inserção na lista de espera ou fazer de forma on-line no site da Prefeitura, o www.sorriso.mt.gov.br.
De acordo com o calendário escolar, o ano letivo de 2022 encerra no dia 14 de dezembro e serão cumpridas 800 horas que equivalem a 201 dias letivos previstos pelo Ministério da Educação. O calendário escolar de 2023 já se encontra no site da Prefeitura, na opção Serviços.
No próximo ano as aulas terão início no dia 31 de janeiro e o calendário prevê 203 dias letivos com recesso de 03 a 14 de julho e término do ano letivo em 14 de dezembro de 2023.
Hoje a rede pública de Sorriso atende cerca 17 mil alunos desde a educação infantil ao ensino fundamental.
Autor: Assessoria de Imprensa
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The huge breakthrough moment was the first exchange of digital currency on the exchange. On October 12, 2009, USD BTC transactions were made and 5,050 Bitcoins were purchased for 5 dollars and 2 cents. The first rationalization of cryptocurrencies, although symbolic, revolutionized the perception of BTC in the eyes of numerous investors. Another further milestone in the history of digital currencies was the purchase of the first material property. May 22, 2010 is commonly called the “Bitcoin Day of Pizza”, or the worst investment in the history of cryptocurrencies. The transaction took place in the city of Jacksonville, Florida. Two pizzas with a total value of approx. UDS 25 were purchased for 10,000 Bitcoins. By early 2013, the leading cryptocurrency had recovered from a prolonged bearish episode and rose above $1,000, albeit only briefly. But with the infamous Mt Gox hack, China announcing its first ban on crypto and other situations, it took a further four years for the BTC price to return to above $1,000 again. Once that level was passed, however, bitcoin’s price continued to surge dramatically throughout 2017 until BTC peaked at its previous long-standing all-time high of $19,850.
We have two options for single deck blackjack games: The New Blackjack, and 21 Blackjack Classic. The New Blackjack game has a streamlined user interface and the buttons show up as they’re needed, making the screen less cluttered. It uses one deck that gets shuffled after each round, and the dealer hits on soft 17. The classic version replicates a blackjack table at a casino. It uses one deck and the dealer hits soft 17. Therefore, to help you understand the game, we have a comprehensive guide on how to play Blackjack for beginners ready. It has everything from rules, odds, card values to Blackjack strategies. Nonetheless, the Canadian gambling market has an overwhelming number of casinos offering the classic Blackjack game. So, to help narrow down your scope, we have handpicked the top 5 Blackjack sites.
The roulette wheel consists of a solid wooden disk slightly convex in shape. Around its rim are metal partitions known as separators or frets, and the compartments or pockets between these are called canoes by roulette croupiers. Thirty-six of these compartments, painted alternately red and black, are numbered nonconsecutively from 1 to 36. On European-style wheels a 37th compartment, painted green, carries the sign 0, and on American wheels two green compartments on opposite sides of the wheel carry the signs 0 and 00. The wheel, its spindle perfectly balanced, spins smoothly in an almost frictionless manner. Roulette is an intriguing game that is played throughout the world. The large payoffs that are possible for small wagers stimulate the interest of the expert as well as the novice player, playing Roulette in Vegas.