Nos dois dias em que passou na capital federal, nesta semana, em contatos políticos e eventos públicos, o pré-candidato do PT ao Palácio do Planalto, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, se hospedou na melhor suíte presidencial do Meliá, hotel de luxo na área central da cidade. Com 183 metros quadrados, o espaço é reservado na internet por R$ 6 mil a diária.
A suíte ocupada pelo petista, segundo anúncio do hotel, é destinada para hospedes que irão se “sentir especiais” em Brasília. O espaço tem dois quartos, duas salas, uma cozinha completa, dois banheiros, um lavabo e dois halls. Há ainda uma sala de jantar para oito pessoas. A conta da hospedagem deve sair do fundo partidário. A mulher de Lula, a socióloga Rosângela Silva, a Janja, se hospedou com o ex-presidente.
Em nota, a assessoria do PT informou que, durante os deslocamentos do ex-presidente, “providencia locais de hospedagem capazes de atender a sua equipe de apoio e os dirigentes políticos que o acompanham, com instalações adequadas para receber convidados e realizar reuniões (salas e auditórios)”.
“Todas as despesas relacionadas aos deslocamentos de seu presidente de honra são realizadas pelo PT conforme a lei e rigorosamente informadas à Justiça Eleitoral, que as divulga”, afirmou a sigla.
Autor: O Estado de São Paulo
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Watch with your friends! Disclaimer: Sports wagering may not be conducted on any minor league sport. Sports wagering may not be conducted on any Collegiate Sport Event or Collegiate Athletic Event offered or sponsored by a Washington state collegiate institution. The St. Croix Chippewa welcome 21 and older to play. “I want to set the goalposts with my fellow commissioners early on, and then see how it’s working,” said Commissioner Jordan Maynard. “And I know that’s going to create a little bit more work on the front end, both for the commissioners and for the IEB … but I think later on, it’s gonna be very beneficial to the entire organization.” The NCAA maintains that “Sports wagering has the potential to undermine the integrity of sports contests and jeopardizes the well-being of student-athletes and the intercollegiate athletics community. It also demeans the competition and competitors alike by spreading a message that is contrary to the purpose and meaning of ‘sport.'”
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Apps like Bumble BFF (yes, the dating app Bumble) allow people looking for new friendships to meet others dating app style, but without the romantic parts. It may sound unconventional, but in today’s digital age, plenty of people find meaningful friendships on online platforms. For 23-year-old writer Dylan, the draw of Grindr Xtra was expanding the radius of potential matches. In New York City, where he’s based, the free version of the location-based app only showed him profiles within a couple of blocks. “In my opinion, if you live in a big, densely populated city, makes a big difference. Though convenience is great, I don’t want to limit my dating or hookup prospects to just a couple blocks from my apartment. I would hate to miss out on meeting someone exciting just because they live six blocks away.”
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I’ve been using Changelly for 3 years and I had an issue with a transaction only once. But the support reacted right away and I’ve got feedback from the support lady within like 20 min. Changelly is the biggest crypto exchange for instant swaps which provides deep liquidity (it’s important for the crypto exchange market). Thanks guys! You’re the best. As you might expect from exchange services, they are the leading indicators of how current market prices are fluctuating. In the case of bitcoin exchanges, these prices can fluctuate by quite a bit, as each business runs on a slightly different business model. Some bitcoin exchanges will pay you less when selling bitcoin and ask a slightly lower market price when you want to buy bitcoin. Other exchange platforms will offer you the current market value but take a small cut (0.05–0.5 percent) per executed transaction as commission.
As part of the latest addition to the world’s leading self-custodial wallet, MetaMask Staking builds on our existing Portfolio dapp features focused on facilitating a thriving, decentralized web3 community. It allows users to aggregate their assets across multiple accounts and networks. Available to both Extension and Mobile users, the portfolio dapp gives users a holistic view of their assets and holdings, including digital art collections and other utility NFTs, and provides a safe and reliable way to view, bridge, and swap assets across many available networks in just a few clicks. Once migrated, all ETH is automatically staked and eligible to earn up to 4.44% annually. Similar to ALGO staking, the size of the ETH stake determines the staking APY. The ways one can navigate the world of cryptocurrencies keep expanding. Whether you are new to the game, or a full-blown expert, crypto staking may still be the way to go. We’ve prepared your ultimate staking guide with everything you need to know.
That said, citizens there have access to a wide range of online casinos, made up of both domestic and offshore sites, which you can view on our page dedicated to online casinos that accept players from Ireland — you can use a series of filters there to find Irish-friendly casinos that you can trust. What’s more, the high level of competition between them means they often showcase special offers to attract more custom – meaning Irish players can take advantage of some attractive deals. There are many reasons why you should use this type of bonus Top 10 rated online casino sites. Amongst the best reasons is the fact that you’ll get to play at online casino free of charge, without being required to invest real money of your own. If you manage to make the best out of the situation, you might even win something. Another one of the top 10 and best reasons is that you’ll get a chance to explore the online gambling venue before making a real money deposit. You’ll get familiar with the interface and make sure that their mobile compatibility is the best possible, so that you can enjoy games on the go.
If the ball lands on green in roulette, you lose any bet that does not cover zero (and win all bets that do cover it). Depending on where you play, outside bets may only lose half the amount if the ball lands on green. This is called La Partage. On a roulette wheel, the numbers range from 0 to 36. The numbers can be either black ⚫ or red 🔴, with zero (0) being the only green number рџџў. American roulette is a version of the game that has a double green pocket with “0” and “00”. The addition of a second green pocket increases the chances of losing all other bets. However, the green payout remains the same, paying out at 35:1 for betting on one of the zero pockets. If you place a split bet on both green pockets, you could win a payout of 17:1. There is only one green pocket in European roulette – a single zero. That means if the ball lands in the green pocket, the house takes all bets except for the bet on the green pocket.
Once you log into your Coinbase account, click on the “Accounts” tab, and then select the cryptocurrencies you want to transfer. Click on the “Send” button and wait for Coinbase to ask you for the “Recipient Address”. This is where you need to paste the wallet address you copied from Binance. Finally, click “Continue” to send the request forward. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about cryptocurrency taxes, from the high level tax implications to the actual crypto tax forms you need to fill out. Tools & Features 3. Click the “$0” sign above your cryptocurrency selection to enter a USD amount you wish to purchase of that cryptocurrency. Please note that all orders must be at least 20.00 USD. When you are done click Preview Purchase. This article covers detailed instructions on how to send, request, and manage crypto transfers using Pay on Binance.US. To learn more about Pay and how it works, check out our FAQ or visit the Pay homepage.
But it also allows the 170-year-old law firm – which is owed about $US50,000 ($74,670) by bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX for legal services provided to its local arm, now in administration – to subtly remind clients of its expertise in the growing niche of digital advisory, ahead of the slated introduction of federal crypto regulations early next year. To gain some insight into the basis on which these new mechanisms operate, the shift from “traditional money” to cryptocurrencies is studied below. But that’s okay, because somebody must know, right? I mean. Just the other day, I was in Redner’s supermarket and saw a new advertisement printed on the conveyor belt that carries your butter and eggs up to the cashier. “Buy $10 Get $10,” it proclaimed. “Get $10 FREE Bitcoin when you buy $10 worth of Bitcoin at the in-store Coin Cloud DOM.” What a country, right? Now you can use your hard-earned cash to buy imaginary money right from a machine at the grocery store!