A Lei nº 13.840, de 5 de junho de 2019, que prevê, entre outras medidas, a internação involuntária de dependente de drogas, está publicada no Diário Oficial da União desta quinta-feira (6). Ela foi sancionada ontem (5) pelo presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro, e dispõe sobre o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas e as condições de atenção aos usuários ou dependentes e para tratar do financiamento das políticas sobre drogas.

No seu artigo 23-A, o texto diz que o tratamento do usuário ou dependente de drogas deverá ser ordenado em uma rede de atenção à saúde, com prioridade para as modalidades de tratamento ambulatorial, incluindo “excepcionalmente formas de internação em unidades de saúde e hospitais gerais nos termos de normas dispostas pela União e articuladas com os serviços de assistência social e em etapas”.

Entre essas etapas, está a que trata da internação do dependente, que somente deverá ser feita em “unidades de saúde ou hospitais gerais, dotados de equipes multidisciplinares e deverá ser obrigatoriamente autorizada por médico devidamente registrado no Conselho Regional de Medicina (CRM) do estado onde se localize o estabelecimento no qual se dará a internação”.

De acordo com a lei, serão consideradas dois tipos de internação: voluntária e involuntária. Na internação involuntária, o texto diz que ela deve ser realizada após a formalização da decisão por “médico responsável e indicada depois da avaliação sobre o tipo de droga utilizada, o padrão de uso e na hipótese comprovada da impossibilidade de utilização de outras alternativas terapêuticas previstas na rede de atenção à saúde”.

O documento indica que a internação involuntária deverá ocorrer no prazo de tempo necessário à desintoxicação do paciente, “no prazo máximo de 90 dias, tendo seu término determinado pelo médico responsável; e que a família ou o representante legal poderá, a qualquer tempo, requerer ao médico a interrupção do tratamento”.

A lei prevê também que todas as internações e altas deverão ser informadas, em, no máximo, de 72 horas, ao Ministério Público, à Defensoria Pública e a outros órgãos de fiscalização, por meio de sistema informatizado único”.

Por Agência Brasil


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    Silver Price Prediction – Prices Drop as the Dollar Gains Traction These changes will have a ripple effect, attracting more enterprises to adopt Ethereum’s platform, resulting in a significant increase in Ethereum’s price. Smart contracts will play a significant part in Ethereum’s (and many industries’) future. Therefore these enhancements to Ethereum’s platform position them to benefit from future industry shifts. These facts add together to support our projection that Ethereum will be valued at more than $50,000 by 2030. Ethereumprice prediction byDigitalcoin remains bullish averaging $3,722 in 2021 and rising to $4,650 in2022. Over the long term, as predicted, its forecast of the price would climbto an average of $8,047 in 2025 and $11,671 in 2028. Sayantani Sanyal reported that many factors point to higher Bitcoin prices, namely greater acceptance by businesses in higher demand from Bitcoin ETFs. In Analytics Insight, Sanyal says that market analysts predict that Bitcoin could hit USD $100,000 by the end of 2023, and others say it can climb to the mark in the first quarter of 2022. Others write that Bitcoin won’t reach more than USD $70,000 by the end of 2022.

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    – Walking Tours – One of the best ways to see and enjoy all the Garment District has to offer is to take a walking tour. There are free Garment District walking tours held on a regular basis through Mike’s NYC Tours. The tour lasts for up to two hours and will take you all around the district, with your friendly guide, Mike Kaback, taking you around, teaching you about the history of the fashion industry in NYC, pointing out some of the hidden treasures of the area, and telling you stories from his own past in the area. There are dedicated shopping tours and historical tours to choose from too, as well as online resources like Destination Midtown to help you plan your own self-guided walking tour of the Garment District. Next on the list is Tropicana Evansville, which is the second closest casino to Nashville and located in Indiana. It’s also a relative newcomer to the casino scene, having opened in 2017. From Nashville, it’s only about a two-and-a-half-hour drive away. Like Harrah’s Metropolis, it used to be a riverboat casino. It was transformed into a land-based establishment when Indiana’s gaming law changed.

  7. Updated: septiembre 12, 2022 Como su nombre indica, este juego trata de gatos salvajes. La tragamonedas Cats parece estar filmada en algún lugar de África, en la llanura de la sabana. Debes saber que a la mayoría de los felinos sino a todos, les encanta quedarse en zonas cálidas y con menos vegetación, donde pueden ver a sus presas a kilómetros de distancia. Por lo tanto, verás los pastizales de la sabana, donde la hierba camufla fácilmente los colores de los felinos. App casino magic sin embargo, más jugadores serán recompensados. Para hacer eso, así que quiero una buena relación calidad-precio y las tragamonedas no me dan eso. Cuanto más preparado esté, puede llevar su BAR-ist a donde quiera que vaya.
    This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. -Las apuestas más eficientes: de acuerdo a su ubicación en el tapete, tenemos apuestas interiores y exteriores. Las exteriores abarcan o cubren más números, de manera que, en un comienzo del juego, será más fácil ganar. Y esto es muy bueno para los apostadores que juegan en algunas ocasiones y quieren un método para ganar rápidamente. Igualmente, hay que tener en cuenta que es una estrategia insostenible en el tiempo, porque el mayor valor está en las internas, que son las apuestas realizadas a ciertos sectores de la ruleta que nos ayudarán a ganar más.

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  9. Coin Cloud, the world’s leading Digital Currency Machine (DCM) company, has announced the giveaway of $100,000 in Dogecoin, the social media darling of the digital currency world. The sweepstakes celebrates the return of a Dogecoin-sponsored race car at NASCAR for the first time in 7 years at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for the Alsco Uniforms 300, a NASCAR Xfinity Series (NXS) stock car race. What’s the latest Dogecoin price prediction? And will DOGE beat its $0.73 all-time high? At the time of writing, Litecoin is trading at $100.74 USD. Most altcoins are in the red today as well, as they were yesterday. However, Dogecoin emerges as today’s top performer, following news on the Twitter front. In 2014, Litecoin creator Charlie Lee proposed the idea of merge-mining dogecoin and litecoin. This idea of “merged mining” meant miners would mine both dogecoin and litecoin simultaneously, helping to boost the network security of Dogecoin. Palmer and Markus accepted Lee’s proposal four months later. That resulted in Dogecoin producing faster blocks than Bitcoin (1 minute vs. 10 minutes), meaning doge transactions are significantly faster than Bitcoin transactions.
    Two individuals were arrested this morning in Manhattan for an alleged conspiracy to launder cryptocurrency that was stolen during the 2016 hack of Bitfinex, a virtual currency exchange, presently valued at approximately $4.5 billion. Thus far, law enforcement has seized over $3.6 billion in cryptocurrency linked to that hack. The Bitcoin wallet that the transaction was sent to was first accessed on September 5th, 2019, just one day before the massive transaction was sent. Several smaller deposits were made on the exchange prior to the $1 billion deposit, including two others September 6th, worth $6,644 and $6.66. The report reviewed blockchain data that showed Binance was the largest bitcoin handler and largest receiver of funds from Bitzlato. “UNBELIEVABLE,” he wrote. “Someone was able to crack the password of the bitcoin wallet I reported on only a short time ago and spend the $1,000,000,000 that was inside it!” Gal went on to say that it wasn’t clear if the person responsible was the original wallet owner or someone who pulled off the unlikely feat of cracking the password.

  10. Related: 2022 Hyundai Ioniq 5 U.S. Specs Revealed, Include 300-Mile Range For 2022, the Hyundai lineup is gaining one EV in the Ioniq 5 — but it’s losing another in the Ioniq Electric. Hyundai’s head of design for Ioniq, Luc Donckerwolke, told us, “I didn’t want to do business as usual with this car. I wanted to give it a certain relevance by going back in the history of Hyundai – not a retro car, but taking the essence of that design. The 0-62mph sprint takes 9.7 seconds. While far behind some electric cars, it’s still perfectly respectable. It’s just about the same pace as a 105hp 1.0-litre Volkswagen Golf and a little slower than an e-Golf. However, if you drove this and a 1.0-litre Golf back to back, however, you’d swear that the Ioniq was faster. This is because of how direct power delivery is – there’s no hesitation at all, it’s just press and go.
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    Poker is usually played with a full deck, each player receiving a hand of five cards. Many variants of the original poker game exist. One of the most common of these poker games is called Jacks or Better. In this version, normal poker hand ranks apply, but only winning hands of a pair of Jacks, or better count. For example, with basic poker, a pair of deuces can beat a single face card. In the Jacks or Better variation of poker, the high face card would win, as doubles of anything from a pair of 10’s and worse are counted as singles. Download the guide to the games you would like to learn, then come test your luck on some of the hottest tables around. This game plays like any other video poker game, in that players are dealt five cards, and must choose which ones to hold. However, all deuces act as wild cards. This changes the optimal strategy compared to traditional games like Jacks or Better by leaps and bounds.

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