Papa Francisco em discurso. (Foto: Divulgação)

A renúncia ao governo pastoral da diocese de São Luís de Montes Belos (GO), apresentada por Dom Carmelo Scampa, foi aceita pelo Papa Francisco. No mesmo ato, o Santo Padre nomeou um novo Bispo para a diocese, o Padre Lindomar Rocha Mota – que integra o clero da Arquidiocese de Diamantina (MG), sendo pároco de Santo Antônio, Curvelo (MG).

Da esquerda para a direita: padre Lindomar, Dom Carmelo, Dom Paulo e Dom Edney. (Foto: Montagem / CNBB)

Pe. Lindomar Rocha Mota nasceu em 20 de novembro de 1971 em Arataca, diocese de Itabuna (BA). Estudou Filosofia na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais de Belo Horizonte e Teologia no Ateneu Regina Apostolorum de Roma.

Já no Pontifício Instituto Teresianum de Roma obteve a Licenciatura em Espiritualidade e fez o Doutorado em Filosofia na Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana. Na Universidade de Coimbra, em Portugal, fez um pós-Doutorado em Democracias e Direitos Humanos.

Em julho de 1998 foi ordenado sacerdote para a Arquidiocese de Diamantina, na qual desempenhou inúmeros cargos, entre os quais reitor de Seminário, vigário paroquial e pároco. Também foi assessor da Comissão Episcopal para a Doutrina da Fé da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil e professor na PUC de Belo Horizonte.

No momento, é pároco de Santo Antônio em Curvelo (desde 2019), diretor da Faculdade Arquidiocesana de Curvelo (desde 2012) e Professor no Seminário Maior de Diamantina e na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Belo Horizonte.

Rio de Janeiro

Quem também apresentou ao Papa, a carta de renúncia ao cargo, é Dom Edney Gouvêa Mattoso, da diocese de Nova Friburgo (RJ). O Santo Padre aceitou a renúncia, nomeando como Administrador Apostólico Sede Vacanta, Dom Paulo Antônio de Conto, bispo emérito de Montenegro, no Rio Grande do Sul.

Nomeações do Papa Francisco para o Brasil. (Foto: Vatican Media)

Com as mudanças, os bispos Dom Carmelo e Dom Edney se tornam ‘Bispo Emérito’ de suas dioceses, desobrigados das funções concernentes ao governo de suas diocese, mas permanece no exercício de seu ministério durante toda a vida.

O procedimento está previsto no Código de Direito Canônico, que define que “ao bispo diocesano que tiver completado 75 anos de idade, é solicitado apresentar a renúncia do ofício ao Sumo Pontífice, que, ponderando todas as circunstâncias, tomará providências”.

Fonte: 93 FM com Vatican News


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  21. There is a great deal of confusion about how debts are handled when an individual dies. Some people think that these debts simply disappear when the debtor dies, but that is not always the case. While some debts are forgiven on death, others follow the deceased and become part of the estate. By Harry S. Margolis Companies and organizations linked from Learning Center articles have no affiliation with Protective Life or its subsidiaries. © Protective Life Corporation, Birmingham, AL Keep in mind that the clerk of court cannot give legal advice so, if your documents needed for probate are done incorrectly, the clerk cannot tell you how to correct your forms. However, using an attorney to help you with probate will make the process much less stressful and will ensure that all of the legal requirements are met.
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    Yes. There are tons of online slots that you can play for free. The majority of these games are exactly the same as real money slots. So, you could play the free or demo version to get used to the rules of the game, bonus rounds, and other features that will allow you to be more confident when you are ready to play the game to win real money. The range of real money casino games provided is concentrated heavily on slots, with over 170 slot games on offer. We also really loved the live casino and its many blackjack varieties. We’ve reviewed and ranked the best real money casinos, making sure they all have fantastic bonuses, a wide selection of games, secure payment methods, and fast payout speeds. While it is possible with a lot of luck, you cannot usually play no-deposit games and win real money. The no-deposit bonus is a simple promotional offer to get you to try out a casino’s games and software. They are usually small amounts that carry larger rollover and wagering requirements. Because of the house edge, many players don’t have bonus money left when they meet the wagering requirement. Low-limit games are better for players that want to win real money since the terms are more reasonable, and you can play with as little as $20.

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    The opponent then takes a turn, and this time has the option to draw from the top of the deck, the discard pile, or pass without drawing and discarding. The game continues back and forth in this way, with the players attempting to group cards from the 10 in their hand into minimum combos of three cards of the same rank (like three threes or three 10s) or runs of the same suit (like a 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of diamonds). The ideal hand to make is a Gin, which is created by placing down all 10 cards in a player’s hand in an appropriate combination. If a player is left with cards in their hand that cannot be combined into a match, they can fold, thus ending the match. brings your home game to the Internet and gives you the same experience as meeting your friends in person. The integrated video chat allows effortless social interaction without complicated setup.

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