O presidente argentino Alberto Fernández aumentou os impostos sobre as exportações de soja e grãos, com um decreto publicado neste sábado no Diário Oficial, uma medida “urgente” para enfrentar a “grave situação” das finanças públicas da Argentina, de acordo com o texto. Além disso, Fernandéz sancionou uma medida que encarece os custos das empresas ao demitir trabalhadores.

De todo o trigo que o Brasil importa, a Argentina é o principal fornecedor. A medida, portanto, pode ter impacto sobre os preços de derivados do trigo, como pão e macarrão. Mas ainda é cedo para dimensionar o efeito, pois o Brasil poderia redirecionar suas compras para outros países, como EUA e Canadá, que também são grandes produtores do grão.

“Por ora, ainda e cedo para projetar aumento de preços dos produtos cuja base é o trigo”, explica Welber Barral, ex-secretário de Comércio Exterior do Brasil e sócio da Consultoria Barral M Jorge. “O Brasil, numa redução das importações argentinas, tem canal de compra com Estados Unidos e Canadá. É possível que, por conta do frete, haja algum impacto nos preços. Entretanto, ainda é muito cedo para afirmar aumento em produtos como o pão ou macarrão”.

Os impostos sobre as vendas de grãos para o exterior terão uma taxa fixa de 12%. Para a soja, principal commodity de exportação do país, permanece a base de 18%, o que significa que o imposto total sobre o produto vai alcançar 30%.

Inicialmente, interpretou-se que a taxa estipulada pelo governo Fernandez seria de 9%. Entretanto, os jornais argentinos confirmaram, na verdade, o percentual de 12%.

Desde setembro de 2018, os grãos pagavam 4 pesos por dólar exportado, o que no início representava um imposto de 12%, mas que ficou desatualizado pela forte desvalorização da argentina, que registrou depreciação de 70% desde o início do ano passado. Na prática, de acordo com o jornal “Clarín”, a sobretaxa de 4 pesos por dólar representava uma tarifa adicional de 6,5% nas vendas argentinas de grãos para o exterior.

O governo também fechou os registros de exportações até segunda-feira para evitar que utilizem a alíquota anterior.

Esta é uma das primeiras medidas econômicas desde que Fernández, peronista de centro-esquerda, assumiu a presidência na terça-feira passada. A Argentina enfrenta uma recessão há mais de um ano, com inflação de 55% ao ano e índice pobreza de quase 40%.

“Levando em consideração a grave situação que as finanças públicas enfrentam resulta necessária a adoção de medidas urgentes de caráter fiscal que permitam atender, ao menos parcialmente, as despesas orçamentárias com recursos genuínos”, explica o decreto.

O atual governo também fez alterações na agenda trabalhista. O decreto indica que, em casos de demissão sem justa causa durante a vigência da medida, “os trabalhadores afetados terão o direito de receber o dobro da remuneração correspondente de acordo com a legislação vigente”.

Inicialmente, o decreto vai vigorar por 180 dias (6 meses).

A taxa de desemprego na Argentina subiu para 10,6% no segundo trimestre de 2019, um ponto percentual a mais do que no ano anterior, informou o governo em comunicado à imprensa que anunciava o decreto.

“Por decisão do presidente Alberto Fernandez, a emergência pública em questões ocupacionais é declarada em vista da necessidade de interromper o agravamento da crise trabalhista”, afirmou o governo da Argentina em comunicado à imprensa.

Por Agência O Globo


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  17. Casino is advertising 98% but I can’t find any info on it.Highest return listed on the arcade site is 97%.Also, is it worth it to put in the 3rd coin if the progressive is near reset ($1000)?2nd coin = $5003rd coin = progressiveSeems to keep variance low to stick to 2coins? FESTIVAL RUN COLORZ Power Requirements: This Machine Will Run On Normal 110 V Household Current. The Power Cord Will Run Out Of The Back Of The Machine. No Special Adaptor Or Wiring Is Needed. It Is A Good Idea To Plug The Power Cord Into A Power Surge Protector Since There Is A Computer Board Inside This Machine. Cabinet Color: Additional pictures are available by email upon request to insure there are no misunderstandings concerning the color of the exact machine you are buying. Most machine cabinets are black but this is not the rule.
    This slot is a follow-up game to Big Bass Bonanza that is pretty similar to the original give or take a few extras, like the expanded reel set and earning potential. This is my favorite game ,so much fun, always adding some new & exciting things. Love the different themes for each album. Really addicting & so many awesome games, & perks, bonuses. Really fun unique game app, which I love & so many helpful cool fb groups that help you trade cards or help you for free ! ♡ SLOTOMANIA ♡ The  game maker formerly known as Scientific Games has rebranded itself as Light and Wonder. Horror fans are sure to find wonder in a new series of games called the Monsters Return. These early slot machines were purely mechanical, giving players the feeling that they could control the outcome of the game. The lever that players would pull led to the popular name “one-armed bandit” and remained the foundation of the game for many decades, with the same symbols on every machine. It wasn’t until the 1960s that slot machines evolved into an electronic form, though the lever remained in use. This machine, called the Money Honey, was released by Bally. It became wildly popular and was able to make an automatic payment of up to 500 coins.

  18. NetSuite Techno-Functional AdminUSA, Texas, Austin A good way for you to win bigger prizes in a safe way is to always bet 5% of your credits. This number allows you to win a substantial amount of credits but give you enough games for a chance to win back your losses. Keep in mind that if you intend to follow this method, you’ll need to actively change the amount of your bet every few spins to adjust it accordingly. This means that whether you’re winning or losing, your bet changes to apply 5% every time. To compete for the Jackpot prize, you’ll need to bet a huge amount of your credits on that stage. The higher the amount you bet, the better the chances of you getting the jackpot prize. Players who are just starting out in the game might find it impossible to even attempt to roll for the jackpot because of the limited amount of credits that they currently have. The minimum credit pool that you might need to even compete in this mode is 10 Billion credits. So it’s better to start saving up your credits to get to that point so that you can play for the jackpot too!
    Along with its sister sites Ignition, CafeCasino.lv, and Bovada (described elsewhere on this list), Slots.lv maintains a pretty thorough lineup of slots, table games, live dealer action, video poker machines, and other casino amusements. What’s unique about this operation is the depth of its welcome offer. Playzee casino exploded into the online slots sites scene in 2018 with games provided by big hitters like Microgaming, NetEnt, and upcoming developers like YoloPlay and Sigma Gamin. New slot players are welcomed with up to a €1, 500 bonus with a 100% match up to €300, a 50% up to €500, and 25% up to €700. There are also 100 free spins for Starbust dished out in 10 days for 10 each. What’s more, there are bonus offers for deposits for each day – Monday through Sunday. The bonus and deposit come with a 30x wagering tag.

  19. The game was the subject of review bombing on Metacritic, resulting in a user review score of 0.4 10 at its nadir, among the lowest on the site. Reporters noted some user reviews cited a dislike of the game’s art style and the lack of advance copies sent to the press, with several demanding refunds. In this above video, I basically talked about How To Find GTA San Andreas Save Game File Location In Windows . GTA San Andreas Download For PC Windows 10,7,11 in a single direct link for Windows. GTA San Andreas Pc Game is one of these amazing action games in an ocean of games. It might start as a modest tale of a turf dispute in the slums of Los Santos, but it soon spirals out into a state-sized saga that takes you through the countryside, up a mountain, into the desert, through a Vegas-style strip, and to a hilly bay-side city.
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    If there are two cards with the same value available on the tableau, it is possible to test transferring each of them by using the Undo button. In this way, the player can find out which cards each of them unveils and choose the one that provides the best chance to progress in the game. imo वीडियो कॉल्स Hurry up and destroy all the rolling, magical stones before they enter the tunnel. Advance by linking stones of the same color. Look out for gifts, and shoot them for a bonus. So many levels, so little time! Spider Solitaire is similar to other types of solitaire (klondike, patience, etc.). The goal of the game is to create 8 stacks of cards (king-through-ace). If all 10 foundations have at least one card, you may place additional cards by clicking on the “stock cards” in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

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