O Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) fará a retomada gradual do atendimento presencial a partir de segunda-feira (14) em dez municípios de Mato Grosso.

Serão retomadas as agências de Cuiabá (Batista das Neves), Várzea Grande, Cáceres, Rondonópolis, Tangará da Serra, Paranatinga, Mirassol D’ Oeste, Sinop, Sorriso e Guarantã do Norte.

O órgão ficou durante cinco meses fazendo apenas atendimento remoto, como medida preventiva ao novo coronavírus.

Em Mato Grosso, para evitar aglomeração, as agências manterão regime de atendimento diferente do que era feito antes da pandemia.

Nesta primeira etapa da retomada, as agências atenderão apenas segurados agendados. Desta forma, fica eliminado o atendimento espontâneo nas agências.

Com a reabertura gradual, serão priorizados, nesta primeira fase, serviços de perícia médica, avaliação social, cumprimento de exigência, justificação administrativa e reabilitação profissional, estes, considerados os mais importantes para que o órgão possa retomar o atendimento presencial neste momento.

Vale destacar que, para qualquer um destes serviços, o segurado deve realizar o agendamento pelo ‘Meu INSS’ (gov.br/meuinss, site e aplicativo) ou pelo telefone 135.

Segurados sem agendamento não serão atendidos nas agências.

Demais serviços

Os serviços que não estarão disponíveis de forma presencial neste primeiro momento, continuam disponíveis pelos canais remotos, o Meu INSS (gov.br/meu inss, site e aplicativo) e telefone 135. Além disso, o regime de plantão para tirar dúvidas continua enquanto o atendimento presencial não for totalmente retomado.

Antecipação do auxílio-doença

Com o retorno do atendimento presencial, somente poderá requerer a antecipação do auxílio, no valor de R$ 1.045, o segurado que residir em município localizado a mais de setenta quilômetros de distância da agência mais próxima, em que haja unidade de atendimento da Perícia Médica Federal com o serviço de agendamento disponível.

A antecipação de um salário mínimo mensal será devida pelo período definido em atestado médico, limitado a sessenta dias.

Anteriormente, este prazo estava limitado a trinta dias. Os atestados serão submetidos a análise de conformidade pela Subsecretaria de Perícia Médica Federal da Secretaria de Previdência e pelo INSS.

O beneficiário poderá ainda requerer a prorrogação da antecipação do auxílio com base no período de repouso informado no atestado médico anterior ou solicitar novo requerimento mediante apresentação de novo atestado médico, limitada a prorrogação da antecipação também ao prazo de sessenta dias.

Caso o período estimado de repouso informado no atestado médico não corresponda a mês completo, o valor antecipado será proporcional ao número dias, na razão de 1/30 do salário mínimo mensal por dia.

O requerimento da antecipação deverá ser anexado por meio do site ou do aplicativo Meu INSS e mediante declaração de responsabilidade pelos documentos apresentados.

O atestado médico deverá estar legível e sem rasuras; conter a assinatura do profissional emitente e o carimbo de identificação, com registro do respectivo Conselho de Classe ou Registro Único do Ministério da Saúde (RMS); conter as informações sobre a doença ou Código Internacional de Doenças (CID); e ainda conter o período estimado de repouso necessário.


As agências, nesta fase da retomada gradual, atenderão abaixo da capacidade habitual.

Outra medida adotada pelo órgão é a obrigatoriedade do uso de máscaras para acessar as agências, além da aferição da temperatura corporal.

Este procedimento será feito na porta da unidade, por um servidor que portará termômetro infravermelho, conforme orientações do Ministério da Saúde.

O segurado que estiver agendado, e eventualmente chegar à agência sem máscara, receberá uma máscara descartável para que possa acessar as dependências do INSS.

Antes da entrada na agência, será feita triagem para confirmar se o segurado, de fato, está agendado para aquela unidade. Portanto, é indispensável a apresentação de um documento de identificação.


Se o contribuinte puder comparecer à agência sem acompanhante ou crianças, esta é uma recomendação importante, visto que as agências deverão respeitar um limite de pessoas no atendimento.

Caso necessite de acompanhante ou não tenha com quem deixar a criança, os mesmos poderão acessar as agências. O uso da máscara é obrigatório.

E, se mesmo com agendamento o segurado apresentar algum sintoma da Covid-19, a orientação é não comparecer à agência do INSS e procurar atendimento médico.

Desta forma, será necessário proceder com o reagendamento para o serviço, tão logo passe o período de repouso ou isolamento recomendado pelo serviço médico.

Dentro da agência

Nas salas de espera, para respeitar o distanciamento, algumas cadeiras estarão interditadas e devidamente sinalizadas para que não sejam usadas. É muito importante não desrespeitar esta regra, que permitirá maior organização e segurança dentro das agências do INSS.

Agências do órgão que possuem bebedouros de uso coletivo ou filtros de água terão os mesmos desativados, para a segurança de todos que estarão na agência.

Autor: G1


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    The regulator also found 32Red failed to check the customer could afford their bets, despite licence conditions demanding operators investigate if it appears anyone is spending beyond their means. The site is packed full of content, which is extremely well sorted in relevant sections. Signing up and depositing funds is super easy. For all you trivia lovers out there, here’s one that will take you back to your teens: the sexy voice behind 32Red casino games is Pasty Kensit. If you don’t know who she is, she was once married to Liam Gallagher. And if you don’t know who he is, to you the mid 90’s must be a blur. Playing at at 32Red on your computer is easy. Some players opt to download the casino, giving them access to every one of the casino’s games. In a few minutes, you’re able to enjoy everything this great casino has to offer. Others like to play in Flash mode, which provides players the chance to enjoy hundreds of casino games through their browser instantly. You can also play loads of the games on the 32Red casino mobile app.

  15. With a record-breaking $347.9 million total prize pool last year, there were 197,626 entrants from more than 100 countries. The Main Event was the second-largest field in the history of live poker, with an $80.8 million prize pool from 8,663 entrants. UMA Poker has integrated itself into the fabric of the domestic online poker industry in a relatively short period and has also created a niche for itself, by continually offering its player base with exciting high-value tournaments. Recently the poker portal hosted the first edition of the UMA Poker Series of Poker (USOP) which ran from July 17 – 28. While several well-known players and newbies alike won titles at the series that offered over ₹3 Crores in prize pool guarantees, the breakthrough performer was Anchit Agarwal (cover image) who took down the coveted USOP Main Event ₹40 Lakhs GTD for a personal-best score of ₹8.40 Lakhs!
    There is a variety of different games on offer at the Pokerstars Casino, which is growing all of the time. They have more than 90 casino slot machines on offer and they are constantly looking to add to this library. They also have eight different types of blackjack, numerous types of video poker, baccarat and roulette on offer. They do not currently have any live dealer games, but they do have one of the best poker platforms in the world. Their mobile gameplay is top quality, but their library of games on these devices is somewhat lacking. Stars Casino has got some pretty impressive credentials. The site is an offshoot of PokerStars, one of the biggest poker platforms in the world, and also has a deal with FoxBet as an official sports betting partner. Currently up and running in states such as New Jersey and Michigan, Stars Casino is already an impressive addition to the online gambling world.

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    Adres: Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, 00-001 WarszawaTelefon: 22 584 96 60 Podczas kursu wypłacamy wynagrodzenie. Adres: Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, 00-001 WarszawaTelefon: 22 584 96 60 Wartości Kart W Automat Do Gier Hazardowych 2022 Finał mistrzostw ma portfel wart 6 milionów dolarów, aby współpracować z renomowanymi dostawcami gier. 3d poker w warszawie czytaj dalej tę recenzję kasyna PlaYouWin, którzy oferują bezproblemowe sesje gry. Wypróbuj również nasz nowy Thunder of Olympus od Booongo, na wskroś. W przypadku niektórych wydarzeń naprawdę czujesz się, a to oznacza. Parking P3 Browary Warszawskie ul. Krochmalna 61 (wjazd od ul. Wroniej) 00-864 Warszawa

  18. ● One distinguishing quality of the project is that the developers are upfront about their ambitions for the money. EverETH intends to grow further into the crypto sector by producing new goods to secure the token’s long-term viability. The EverETH community is strong and expanding regularly. The EverETH team consists of a talented collection of developers, designers, and moderators who constantly are working for the project. We will update this as soon as possible. If you like to help, you can contact us. ● As more tokens are acquired, the token’s exclusivity increases, boosting the value of the EverETH holdings. Because EverETH is entirely decentralized, there is no single primary owner of the coin, or in other words the token is own by the community. Pre-packed products that include assets linked to interest and derivatives
    When we wrote about the Luna crash, we speculated that this could be more of a black swan event rather than the start of an era. We’re not sure. The key takeaway remains the same — if an investment seems too good to be true, it is. The other message is that investors who are bullish on crypto should still be cautious about investing too much of their savings into these volatile assets – the percentage of your total portfolio invested in crypto should be relatively small. Diversification is still the best strategy in a volatile market. In September, Canadian securities regulators issued advertising guidelines for crypto companies, warning them against misleading advertising and promotional tactics that could potentially lure investors into making risky trades. There was, however, no clear directive on whether unregulated crypto exchanges would be penalized for advertising in Canada.

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    That doesn’t match BetMGM’s odds. The Brewers are tied for the ninth-best odds, at 16-to-1. Based on implied odds, that’s about a 5.9 percent chance. That’s the kind of discrepancy bettors looking for value would find interesting. Against any expectation or hope that just about anyone would have confessed to four months ago, the 2022 Orioles find themselves within striking distance of a playoff spot with about a third of the season left to be played. They have gone from 35-44 after the two Jorge López losses to begin July to 58-52 now. After yesterday, the Orioles are tied for the third wild card spot, though they lose the tiebreaker. They’re only two games removed from the first of the three wild cards. Just in case you’re grousing about how these projections are treating your team like a group of disgruntled umpires, remember that they’re actually objective. They don’t hate you or your team. Well, maybe your team. But given our audience, that would mean they hate the Cubs, and that isn’t the case.

  20. The casino house edge is the advantage an online casino has over members on their site. It exists in every form of casino game: pokies, roulette, blackjack, table games, lotto, etc. This advantage is present in both online as well as physical casino games. I had the best luck at Bally’s when I hit for $400 with something like 40 free spins. Like these machines but blow very hot and cold. White Orchid is based on the theme of rainforest and is all about being close to nature. On the reels, you will see a feral Man and Woman, the Hawk, Bird, and Fish Symbols. Even the card symbols are shown as a part of plant life to bring the theme to life on the reels more accurately. The background is very tender with trees and flowers. The sound effects are quite simple with a light melody when spinning the reels and cheerful sounds when getting some winning combinations.
    If you’re looking to know more about casinos in Arizona, you’re in the right place. While online casinos are not legal yet, the gambling landscape is changing all the time. On Sept. 9, 2021, Arizona residents were able to make their first bets online. There’s hope online casinos will follow. We’ll show you how to get prepared with a guide to finding the right casinos and avoiding common pitfalls. The potential good news for Ohio online gamers? A couple of Ohio’s neighbors offer online casino gambling, meaning the pressure could be on state officials to eventually legalize it. Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are among the states that offer online casino gaming within state lines. Learn about the top online casinos here. You can already play online slots and limited casino games online from Tennessee. Sweepstakes casinos use sweepstakes contest laws to operate. By using “sweeps coins” instead of dollars for the games – and making each game into a mini-contest – they operate legally in 49 states.

  21. GOAL!!! The kid, Bajcetic immediately repays Klopp’s faith in him, scoring a brilliant goal to open up his Liverpool account. Darwin keeps the ball alive and pulls it back, Bajcetic gets on the end of it, dinks it past the keeper and slots through the defender’s legs! That should settle the issue here. Anfield, Liverpool “We will try to prepare as good as possible – as we always do – and try to be ready for Aston Villa. Villa Park, oh my God, that will be tough as well, but we will give it a try.” Ollie Watkins and Leon Bailey had both squandered a couple of fine opportunities for Villa in an exciting first half but Unai Emery’s side were rewarded for their persistence after the restart when Watkins headed in Douglas Luiz’s cross.
    The favourite team to win the Championship this season is Burnley, currently at the odds of 9/50. On the flip side, if you bet on Manchester City (-150), the way to figure that payout would be laying $150 to win $100. If Manchester City wins the title, the payout comes out to $250, totaling a $100 profit and the $150 stake. Leeds nearly pulled off a shock upset in the first matchup of the week. They took the lead just 55 seconds into proceedings on Wednesday evening, as Weston McKennie’s pressure was able to force Bruno Fernandes into a turnover in his own half. Wilfried Gnonto then hit a screamer from outside the box that got past David De Gea low at his near post to stun the Old Trafford crowd. But he’s now offered at 2-9 following the news Skubala will carry on as the club’s caretaker manager for their upcoming fixtures.

  22. To illustrate the difference between reporting and reviewing, think about television or film review articles. These articles include content such as a brief synopsis or the key points of the film or programme plus the critic’s own evaluation. Similarly the two main objectives of a literature review are firstly the content covering existing research, theories and evidence, and secondly your own critical evaluation and discussion of this content. I have read several articles about literature reviews. At the same time I found some guides about literature surveys. I am confused… how is a literature survey different from a literature review? What is the standard procedure to conduct a literature survey without making it a literature review? Listing your sources in chronological order is perhaps the simplest approach to take. However, make sure you don’t just list the sources and summarise them. You should still try to establish some sort of connection between them. Highlight movements, patterns and new ideas. Show the reader how scholarship on the topic has changed over time. You could even organise your sources into broad historical periods and have these as subheadings in literature review, for example.
    Start by installing the Zoom meeting app on your tablet device. Then start a Zoom meeting using your desktop or laptop computer, with the camera positioned to show your face from a flattering angle. On your tablet, sign in to Zoom with your Stanford account (using SSO) to the company domain stanford.zoom.us. You can access your meetings from the meetings menu in the Zoom app or use the meeting ID. Do not connect to the audio – you should already have audio connected from your computer. Go through these and decide which ones don’t need to start automatically. This process is especially beneficial to performance if you can disable some of the high impact ones. But note that some of these programs are vital for Windows to operate. For example, the ones with Microsoft listed as the publisher are probably best left alone. If you aren’t sure, either leave it, or try a Google search to find out more.

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    If you’re not looking for “the one”—just “the one for tonight”—then AFF is your best choice. It’s the app that prides itself on focusing on one thing, and that’s to match people for one-night stands and casual flings. It has become the best option for most guys that are just looking for something casual or physical. Dating or thinking of dating a Spanish person? You’re in for a romantic ride! The Spanish are romantics at heart. They’re passionate, expressive, and definitely not afraid to wear their heart on their sleeves. But while dating someone from a different culture is fun, exciting, and dreamy, it also has its challenges. So before you go on your date with a Spaniard, it’s good to get familiar with the dating culture in Spain.

  24. Kick the Teddy Bear Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored Games for Girls Mutilate a Doll 2 is a physical sandbox simulator developed by Rava Games. If that sounds immediately appealing to you, you should probably seek professional help. But if you are only morbidly curious, then this splatter slapstick game may be fun for you. Use the technical interface to conduct fun experiments with your ragdoll. You have access to many different objects there.You can create weapons, unsafe items or just plain old life-threatening magic to terrorize your doll with. Like most doll games you can play online, it’s simply fun to see what you can get away with. All items can be scaled, rotated, and coloured at will to build whatever you can think of, and come with modifiable Settings (such as weight and friction) and Properties (such as exploding on touch, or ignoring gravity.)
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  30. Game King video poker machines at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort in Cherokee, North Carolina – © 2019 David Oppenheimer – Performance Impressions… more Harrah’s poker room in Las Vegas is one of the many casualties of COVID-19. The small, Caesars-brand card room will be the first to permanently close its doors, though it likely won’t be the last. Toll-Free Number: (800) 843-4753 REGISTRATION FOR THE 2023 WORLD SERIES OF POKER OPENS ON THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Say goodbye to the Harrah’s poker room in Las Vegas. (Image: Caesars) Put your fun to work! Learn more. Slots, video poker, blackjack, and roulette. Located in the center of the casino, C-Bar has views of the casino floor, TVs, and bar-top video poker. Drink service is available Sunday from noon until 2am and from 11am until 2am Monday through Saturday.
    With over 35 progressive slots at Novibet Casino, find the best options with the right jackpots for you. For massive payouts, Hall of Gods, Mega Fortune, and Mega Moolah are the popular choices. Their jackpots are usually worth around ₴5 million each. In some cases, the progressive prizes can go over ₴10 million. You’ll have a whale of a time exploring the 3,500+ real money slots and games our Novibet casino review team found on site. What’s more, we noticed that the casino partners up with 100+ providers, including popular names like Red Tiger Gaming and Pragmatic Play. There is also a roadmap section that serves as a bulletin board of upcoming releases and announcements. The next categorisation refers to themes and Novibet online casino has taken the road less travelled, classifying the slots as All-Time Classics, Summer, Magic, Romance, Music, Sporty, and so on. The latest titles will be tagged as “New”, and all mobile-friendly Novibet UK games will have the appropriate icon in the upper right corner of the thumbnail picture.

  31. Do a quick Google or Firefox search on online slots, and you’ll find that one of the questions on many gamblers lips is “when is the best time to play online slots”. You’ll even find believable answers to this question that might have you setting your alarm clock and making a note on the calendar to remind you that now is the best time… We’re about to give you some insight into why you should take this type of advice lightly. There is no best time to play online slots because the outcome of each spin is based on random number generators. This makes it impossible to know whether a particular game will pay out at any given time of the day, week or month. Bitstarz is a crypto-only casino, which might not account for every player out there. Still, BTC remains the most popular form of digital currency. So, if you are just wanting to dip your toes in the world of crypto gambling and Bitcoin slots, it’s the best choice.
    All of the best online casinos we recommend can be played via mobile, namely on Apple, Android and Windows devices. This is either via a mobile site or an app: Also known as steppers, these slots are based on classic three-reel mechanical slots you’d find at land-based casinos. While much simpler than video slots, they still offer multiple ways to win and some do offer bonus features such as free spins. Stepper slots usually only consist of a few paylines, as opposed to video slots which can feature hundreds or thousands. However, because they’re only three reels, you’re more likely to hit on a payline. The US gambling market features many legit and reputable online slot casinos, and you’re certain to find one where the variety of games, bonus offers, and banking options are to your liking. Some of the online casinos that accept US players and are worthy of our recommendation are SlotoCash, Uptown Aces, Desert Nights, Miami Club, and Vegas Casino.

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